About Us
Brian K. Pittman
Over the course of the last 10 or so years, he's been writing his nonsense in an attempt to entertain, inform, and generally do something positive with his time while struggling with being perpetually unemployed. Seriously, don't move to Titusville, it's easier to find errant $100 bills than it is to find a decent job. Brian's written for Cinema Crazed, Within the Couch, and has been known to scream into the night for some sort of reprieve from life's many foibles.
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Cameron R. Barnett
Meeting Brian at a young age, they became a fixture in one another's lives and this led to inevitably working together. Prior to moving away, Cameron acted as co-host of Dashboard Impressions, where he and Brian both reviewed movies immediately after seeing them. Now he's a sometimes contributor who continues to be both a friend and an irreplaceable part of BGAN. He's also capable of opening string cheese while wearing unwieldy paper claws. Truly a skill worth noting.